Office for Operation of Industry and University Cooperation

Office for Operation of Industry and University Cooperation (OOIUC)

KMU established the Center for Promotion of Industry-University Cooperation as the administrative office to integrate resources in academic and industrial fields and release research potential to the field of industry in August 2008. This center is in charge of the integration of university-industry cooperation, enterprise incubation, and patent transfer. With only the one service center, efficient coalition of the resources of three colleges in KMU, and clinical practice synergy, the center actively connects with the nearby national science park and the alliance schools of university-industry cooperation and other research institutes to create a platform for promoting the collaboration of the healthcare industry. 

In addition, industry-university cooperation has become a necessary policy for national development. Therefore, in order to support this policy, KMU reorganized the center into the “Office for Operation of Industry and University Cooperation” in March 2013.

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